Wall House

installation with photographs & video
4 photographic light-boxes & 1 animation video
projection with sound, loop

In Wall House, the artist stages herself inside a building designed by John Hejduk in the Netherlands, and her lonely presence draws its magic from the urban landscapes of Chinese cities seen from the windows of the space. Captivated by her passion for the city, she summons it, and questions the reality of the borders between public, private, and subjective spaces; and also explores the loneliness as a fact in life.  

在作品“墙屋”系列中,艺术家将自己置身于约翰·海杜克设计的在荷兰的建筑中,以个人形象演绎了一个个透过窗户看向中国城市景观的孤单个体。带着对城市的热爱,她提出并思考着公共空间、个人空间和主体空间之间的现实界限; 并且探索生活中孤独的现实。

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